Church Leaders
Future Events

      As a congregation of the PCUSA, Concord Presbyterian Church is governed by an elected Council of Ruling Elders, called The Session; who are responsible for the mission and governance of the church. The Session, in conjunction with the Pastor, Board of Deacons, Church Staff and Members, lovingly fulfill their shared called ministry of discipleship in the South Hills of Pittsburgh.  The gifts of Christian service are carried out through a group of specialized ministry teams, each of which is dutifully led by a currently seated Ruling Elder.

Mission and Outreach Team:  This team serves as a source for information and resource concerning issues of charity, social development and justice.  With an evangelism focus, its primary platform involves care and support for Concord’s Food Pantry & Basket Program and participation with Camp Crestfield.

Building and Grounds Teams:
   This team is responsible for maintaining and improving the Church building and property of Concord including: cleaning, landscaping, repairs and general upkeep.

Finance and Stewardship:  This team works with the church treasurer and financial secretary to monitor the financial welfare.  Personnel  is a sub-committee of this resourceful team. Once yearly, the team promotes the support of the church and its missions through a Stewardship Month Campaign which guides on understanding the spiritual component of generosity, charity, commitment, tithing, and blessing. 

Congregational Care and Hospitality:
  This team leads the social events at the church. They are an internal outreach, so to speak, as the love of Christ is expressed through special recognitions, celebrations and Christian networking. 

Worship and Membership:
  This team focuses on the adoration of Our Lord and exalting His Name through praise and worship.  The Team, along with the liturgist, Pastor and organist and other musicians work closely together to glorify God and inspire His people through leading Sunday worship.  As folks are moved by the Spirit to become formal members of our church family, the Team guides persons and communicants in their spiritual journey.

Christian Education and Discipleship:
  The goal of this Team is to provide encouraging and thought-provoking opportunities for spiritual formation and development of all God’s children at Concord.

Nominating Team:  The objective of the nominating team is to lead the charge to prayerfully discern the enlistment of called officers and committed volunteers for future church boards and projects. The Nomination Chairperson arranges for new officers to be trained and supported in their line of service.

The Board of Deacons: 
The board of Deacons is an ordained ministry which serves God in many different ways throughout the church.  They assist with worship and special services at Concord, while leading a hands-on mission with our Food Pantry, homebound friends and various special events.
